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Conference 2004
Conference 2004
Conference 2004
27-29 JULY 2004
Gunnedah NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Pastures have a key role in cropping systems
- RD Freebairn
Use and improvement of tall fescue and phalaris for the North-West Slopes
- C Harris, R Culvenor
Successful use of sub-tropical grasses on-farm
- S Murray
New and improved legumes for pastures and crop rotations
- GJ Crocker
Attempting to get the right balance
- R Anderson
Soil water balance – what can pastures do for farming systems?
- SR Murphy
How a pasture phase improves soil health and sustainability
- P Pittaway
Soil organic matter and structure in vertosols – using pastures to make a difference
- G McMullen, G Schwenke
Maximising water use to solve dryland salinity – a producer’s story
- C Widdis
Improving feed efficiency of animals in your herd
- R Herd, P Arthur and S Exton
Holding a measuring stick up to the Cicerone farmlets: how are they shaping up?
- JM Scott, C Gaden, L Shakhane and AF Healey
Virtual fencing and cyber herding
- R Lake
A cropping and livestock system
- M Donaldson
A decision aid to assess the economic implications of ley pastures in crop rotations
- R Strahan, F Scott
Pastures and livestock in the cropping system – benchmarking trends in the wheat-sheep zone of the Central-West NSW and farming zone of North-West NSW
- S Fritsch, G Shepherd
Successful integration of pastures in farming systems
- DL Lloyd
Managing the pasture phase as a high value crop
- LH McCormick
Managing invasive weeds with pastures and livestock
- S Millar
Was it a drought or just a dry spell?
- D Capel
Managing family relationships in a family business
- L Sykes
Debate Papers
Integrate or separate – the debate: separation case study 1
- I Carter
Integrate or separate – the debate: separation case study 2
- G Brownhill
Integrate or separate – the debate: integration case study 1
- M Hathway, L Hathway
Integrate or separate – the debate: integration case study 2
- A Donoghue
Contributed Papers
The role of time control grazed pastures in farming systems
- FC Anderson, RSB Greene, J Field and I Packer
The B.O.Z.O. lime movement study at Wollum on the Northern Tablelands
- C Edwards
Pasture dynamics in western New South Wales saltbush rangelands: Some results from 14 years of monitoring
- AR Grant
Nitrogen fixation and cycling of pasture legumes – a review
- DF Herridge
Mapping native vegetation communities
- G Horner, TJ Hudspith
Leafy extension rates of some native perennial grasses in early spring on the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales
- WM Kelman, DL Garden
Soil earthworm numbers under native and sown perennial grass-based pastures in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge
Ant theft of Sirosa phalaris seeds in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge
Evaluation of pasture plants for use in recharge areas in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge, SP Boschma and MA Brennan
Preliminary studies comparing soil labile and microbial biomass carbon under native and sown perennial grass-based pastures in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge, KL King
Numbers of nematodes and microbial activity of soils under a range of pastures in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge, GR Stirling and RJ Hannam
Re-colonisation patterns of native plants in cultivation paddocks at Gunnedah, NSW
- C Nadolny, J Lemon
Native grasslands soils: How do they compare with cropping and remnant woodland soils?
- BR Wilson, J Lemon