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Conference 2003
Conference 2003
Conference 2003
11-13 JUNE 2003
Albury NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Monitoring grasslands from outer space: is the pixel replacing the quadrat?
- Kevin P Price
Satellites and Australia
- Alex Held, Michael J Hill
Using new technologies to map the suitability of forage plants
- David Hannaway, KJ Hannaway, C Daly and D Chapman
The value proposition for remotely sensed estimates of feed on offer and pasture growth rate
- Stephen Gherardi, Chris Oldham
My experience with satellite predicted estimates of feed on offer and pasture growth rates
- Roger House
Sustainable Grazing Systems: experimental results and the implications for temperate-zone grazing enterprises
- Warren King, David Michalk, Peter Dowling, David Kemp and Paul Sanford
Sharing dairy industry research for all grassland farmers
- Dawn Dalley
Acid soils: what have we learned from research?
- Brendan J Scott
What are the management strategies for preventing dryland salinity? Summary of the current state of the sciences
- Hamish Cresswell, Pauline English
Management of novel-endophyte ryegrass pastures
- Stephanie Bluett
Salt mapping in the Billabong Creek catchment, New South Wales
- PA Baker, GL Jones
Integrating woody perennial forages into farming systems
- Peter Milthorpe
The role of silage in lamb-finishing systems
- David Stanley
Mileage from silage: latest advances with silage for beef cattle
- Ed Charmley
Management and breeding strategies for improved forage quality
- Anthony van Herwaarden, Michael Faulkner
Managing saline groundwater for production and environmental benefits
- John Ive
Poster Summaries
Getting the best out of every paddock on your farm
- Richard Simpson, Libby Salmon, David Marshall, Adam Stefanski and Grant Burbidge
Bull beef: production per head or per hectare?
- Libby Salmon, Colin Frawley, Jill Frawley, Graham Lean and John Donnelly
Delivery of decision-support tools over the Internet to increase the wealth of grazing enterprises
- HG Daily, JM Scott and JM Reid
CropView: satellite crop monitoring
- Jonathan Sobels, Petina Pert
Roadside vegetation mapping in the Rural City of Wangaratta
- Andrew Briggs
Mapping weed infestations using satellite imagery
- Ian McGowen, Paul Frazier and Peter Orchard
Lime quality: size does matter!
- Bill Schumann, John Lacy
Effects of lime on quality and mineral composition of perennial grasses
- Bill Schumann, Mike Keys
Lime beefs up steer production
- Mick Duncan, Georgina Mitchell
Prime lamb production from adjacent monocultures of grass and clover
- Karen Venning, Andrew Thompson, Andrew Kennedy and David Chapman
Increasing pasture and wool production from native pastures
- TP Bolger, DL Garden and BM Reid
High-performance pasture systems to increase lamb production in southwest Victoria
- Andrew Kennedy, Andrew Thompson, Clare Gloag and Karen Venning
Effect of grazing management and fertiliser regime on the spatial distribution of available phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium in soil
- Kate Sargeant
Persistence under grazing by introduced temperate perennial grasses in New South Wales and Victoria
- R Culvenor, K Reed and S Boschma
Plant species density on unimproved pastures in steep hill country of western Victoria
- ZN Nie, PE Quigley, F Cameron and L Thomas
Changes in perennial pasture composition under organic management in northeast Victoria
- Viv Burnett, John Schneider and Wayne Dempsey
An overview of Chilean needle grass: a Weed of National Significance
- Linda Iaconis, Keith Turnbull
TIMERITE®: it’s now available for everyone
- Celia Pavri, James Ridsdill-Smith
Regional best-practice management of Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana): an emerging weed on the southern tablelands of New South Wales
- Lori McGarva, Darren Kriticos, Karl Grigulis and David McLaren
Production and environmental gains from managing salinity
- John R Ive
Sustainable Grazing on Saline Lands: a new national research program addressing animal production on saline grasslands
- Nick Edwards, Michelle Fenton, Andrew Craig, Malcolm McCaskill, Pedro Evans and Warren King
What can be hidden at depth affecting your pasture production?
- Nicole Gammie
Pasture species distribution in ponded pasture on an acid-sulphate–soil scald site
- Carol Rose, Scott Henderson
Long-season annual legumes to increase lamb production
- Clare Gloag, Andrew Thompson, Andrew Kennedy, Karen Venning
Balansa clover is more competitive against seedling annual ryegrass than are subterranean clover, berseem clover, and murex medic
- A Hodge, BS Dear, D Lemerle, JE Pratley, A Kaiser and BA Orchard
New hard-seeded French serradella cultivars (Ornithopus sativus Brot.)
- BS Dear, GA Sandral, B Nutt, BCD Wilson, JN Taylor and CA Rodham
Developing an acid-tolerant tall fescue
- Carol Harris
Growth of perennial grasses in an acid soil
- Carol Harris
Lucerne sowing rate and its effect on plant density and productivity
- Libby Roesner
The effect of surface-applied lime on seed yield of four annual legumes grown in mixtures with phalaris
- R Hayes, BS Dear and PL Eberbach
Improved oat varieties for hay production
- PK Zwer, SD Hoppo, PD McCormack, DK Schaefer, JE Emery and MM Williams
Sulla and other forage species for southern Australia
- Mike Ewing
Objective measurement of fodder quality across animal species
- Peter Flinn, Stephanie Knott, Leo Cummins and Dawn Dalley
Establishment of annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT) testing services and protocols for the Australian export hay industry
- Alan McKay
Grass tetany: prevention based on soil and plant analysis
- Colin L Trengove