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Conference 1996
Conference 1996
Conference 1996
10-11 JULY 1996
Wagga Wagga NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Can big energy users survive in low nutrient ecosystems
- Tim Flannery
Riverina grasslands – A personal history
- Martin Driver
The Pooginook story – A fundamental change in decision making
- David Taylor
Development of native perennial grasses for grazing
- Bill Johnston
Thinking holistically on the saltbush plains
- Mark Rowe
Grazing by numbers makes lucerne last
- Rex Williams
Pastures that work in lower rainfall areas
- John Daunt
Twenty years of lucerne management
- Bernard Hart
How plant physiology can help us achieve better grazing management
- Richard Simpson, Stephen Clark, Doug Alcock, Mike Freer, John Donnelly and Andrew Moore
How can I make my pastures more profitable
- Grant Burbidge
Perennial pastures in a crop-ley farming system – A personal perspective
- Don Dyce
Dung beetles: past, present and future
- John Feehan
Integrated management of red legged earth mite in pastures
- David James
Why I am sowing chicory
- Don Kirkpatrick
Grassland management in NSW: The evolution of an approach
- Ian Garrard
What is a native grassland?
- John Benson
SEPP 46 dealing with the broader community’s expectations: A grazier’s perspective
- Jim Litchfield
Contributed Papers
Sowing depth and emergence of seedlings of Microlaena stipoides
- RDB Whalley, DJ Beckers
Herbage yield of some native perennial grasses
- David Eddy, Denys Garden
Forage quality of some native perennial grasses
- David Eddy, Denys Garden
A comparison of herbage production of a range of Danthonia spp.
- David Eddy, Denys Garden
Methods of establishing trees on non-arable land to control weeds
- MH Campbell, HI Nicol
A comparison of the performance of softseeded and hardseeded subterranean clover cultivars prior to and after the drought of 1994
- GA Sandral, BS Dear
Farmer best management practices for lucerne in 350-450 mm rainfall zone
- J Whiteley, M Lattimore, R Thompson, G Kemister and P Lukins
Annual grass control in seeding phalaris and cocksfoot
- BS Dear, GA Sandral
The effect of pre-emergent herbicides on perennial grass seedlings
- GA Sandral, BS Dear
The competitive performance of a weed with introduced grasses in acid soils
- BB Rubzen, EC Wolfe and KR Helyar
Consol lovegrass outcompetes spiny burr grass
- Robert Freebairn, Bryan Matthews
The tolerance of common weeds and native grasses to acid soils
- BB Rubzen, EC Wolfe and KR Helyar
The distribution and significance of saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus) in NSW
- NS Crump, CJ Ash and A Nikandrow
Tolerance of native grasses to Frenock® and Roundup®
- MH Campbell, R Van de Ven
Glyphosate resistance in annual ryegrass
- Jim Pratley, Peter Baines, Phillip Eberbach, Maurice Incerti and John Broster
Preliminary survey of the incidence of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) staggers in central tablelands of NSW
- Warwick Wheatley
Phytophthora root rot, spotted clover aphids and phosphorus deficiency limit growth of irrigated subterranean clover
- Gordon Murray, Kerry Wratten and Wendy Milne
Using satellite imagery to achieve more efficient fertiliser use in Central & Southern Tablelands pastures in NSW
- John Crichton, Ian McGowen
The response of a phalaris-based pasture to nitrogen fertilisation
- JM Virgona, A Oates
Changes in plant frequency within a grazed pasture under ten different fertiliser regimes
- RD FitzGerald, BR McGufficke
Critical parameters for monitoring annual leys
- JA Paul, EC Wolfe and PD Cregan
Grazing strategies to get more out of Coolatai grass
- LH McCormick, GM Lodge
Managing perennial pastures
- Mike Keys, Mike Darby
Some characteristics of summer-growing (C4) perennial grass patches that occur in improved pasture
- Annabel Bowcher, Jim Virgona
Improving Lotus persistence through management: site establishment
- Martin Blumenthal, John O’Connor, John Ayres,Leah Lane, Zvi Hochman and Jim Hindmarsh
The temperate pasture sustainability key program: gathering the knowledge and skills to implement grazing management strategies
- GM Lodge
The persistence of introduced pasture species through severe drought on the northern tablelands of NSW
- JF Ayres, AD Turner and PG Kamphorst
Fescue for meat project
- Frank Johnson, Gavin Milne and Tony Stratton
The estimation of biomass by a rod-point method
- JA Paul, EC Wolfe and PD Cregan
Travel Grant Report
Report on travel grant to attend the Fifteenth Asian-Pacific Weed Society Conference in Tsukuba, Japan, 24-28 July 1995
- Peter Dowling