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Conference 1994
Conference 1994
Conference 1994
13-14 JULY 1994
Queanbeyan NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Management effects on soil biota
- Kathleen King
Litter as a factor affecting the balance between grass, clover and weeds
- John Leigh, Dorothy Halsall
Adapting pastures and crops to changing times – Tablelands
- Graham Brown, Annette Brown
Adapting pastures and crops to changing times – Slopes
- Owen Whitaker
Have we problem soils or problem plants?
- Brendan Scott
Mineral interactions between plants and animals
- Ivan Caple
The role of silage in more intensive grazing systems
- Alan Kaiser
Better pasture utilisation to produce quality beef
- John Nixon
Better pasture utilisation to produce quality lamb
- Robert Worner
Beneficial use of waste materials
- Peter Simpson
Phosphate options for higher rainfall pastures
- Peter Sale
Productive and profitable grazing systems in western Victoria
- Geoffrey Saul
Putting it all together – A productive perennial pasture system
- Charles de Fegely
Grazing management – The animal factor
- Cameron Allan
Yorkshire fog – Friend or foe: A farmer’s perspective
- Robert Lance
Better utilisation of poor quality feed
- Graham Rumph, Therese Rumph
Whole farm management – A profitable weed control system
- Denis Manion
Contributed Papers
Control of St John’s wort in large paddocks on hill country
- Richard Arnott, Malcolm Campbell
New herbicides for the control of St John’s wort
- Ross Watson, Malcolm Campbell
Scotch thistle (Onopordum spp.) survey – Harden district
- Peter Holst, Cameron Allan and David Stanley
An evaluation of Prime Pastures I
- Darren Bayley, John Fairly, Rowan Anderson, Rod Grant, Frank Kelleher and Alan Andrews
Prime Pasture Program II – Making perennial pasture permanent
- Mike Keys, John O’Connor
The Northern Tablelands feed-year
- JF Ayres, RD FitzGerald, MJ McFee and AD Turner
Seedling vigour of perennial grass cultivars
- RD FitzGerald
White clover ecotype collection from a summer rainfall environment
- LA Lane, JF Ayres and JV Lovett
Genotypic variation of stolon attributes in white clover cultivars
- MZZ Jahufer, LA Lane and JF Ayres
Should we select cultivars to suit management?
- WJ Fulkerson, K Slack
Production and quality of Caucasian and white clover pastures on the Monaro
- Jim Virgona, Brian Dear
Effects of fertiliser on pasture protein levels
- Graham Crocker
Lime application to non-arable farms
- Rob Cumming
Grazing management for sustainable pastures on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales
- CA Harris, RD FitzGerald and JF Ayres
Managing the persistence of perennial grasses through drought
- J Scott, G Rapp and S Boschma
Understanding nutrient and water dynamics under perennial and annual pastures
- J Scott, K King, Chen Wen and A White
A simple explanation of time control grazing
- Garry Cook
Seasonal changes in pasture botanical composition
- Col Langford, Peter Simpson
Preliminary findings from a survey of agronomic practices on thoroughbred horse studs
- SC Aston, GM Gurr, ER Hunt, CG Morrison, WM Wheatley and RA Woodward
The role of biosolids in agriculture
- Leonie Huxedurp, Angus Seberry
Evaluation of sewage sludge for use in extensive sheep production – Some preliminary results
- DL Michalk, I Bamforth, C Hird, PC Simpson, C Langford and GJ Osborne
Travel Grant Report
New Zealand Grassland Association Conference 1993
- Alan Andrews