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Conference 2006
Conference 2006
Conference 2006
25-27 JULY 2006
Wagga Wagga NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Setting the scene: ‘Farming – a great means of wealth creation, but who is managing it’
- Peter Jacobs
The economic cost of weeds in pasture systems
- Randall Jones, Jack Sinden
Weed introductions – what has been learned from the past that can help stop future weed problems
- Lynley Stone
Weed management principles for permanent and ley pastures
- David Kemp
New and existing weed threats in southern NSW
- Birgitte Verbeek
The weed control paradox or how and when do I learn to love my weeds? Major pasture weeds in northern NSW
- Andrew Storrie
Conquering serrated tussock at ‘Yellangalo’
- Alison Nicholls
Utilisation of pastures dominated by Coolatai grass (Hyparrhenia hirta) in Northern NSW
- Steve Hunt
Assessing the extent of serrated tussock resistance to the herbicide, flupropanate in Australia
- DA McLaren, S Ramasamy, AC Lawrie, TA Morfe and G Pritchard
Herbicide tolerance of seedling perennial grasses – options for improving establishment
- Brian Dear
Herbicide tolerance of pasture legumes and herbs
- Peter Lockley
Are you importing weeds onto your property
- Michael Moerkerk
Biological control of pasture weeds in New South Wales – an update of current research
- Royce Holtkamp
Successful biological control of Paterson’s curse
- Max Cowie
Timing pasture cutting for weed management
- Annabel Bowcher
Making quality silage and hay from pastures containing weeds
- JW Piltz, HM Burns
Fodder conservation and weed control
- Frank Austin
Winning the war against bare ground and broadleaf weeds with grazing management – results from the Broadford Grazing Experiment 1998-2003
- Kate Sargeant, Lisa Warn and Gary McLarty
Managing weeds through effective grazing
- Chris Wright, Margot Wright
Shifting from sheep to cattle and its effect on pasture weeds
- Bryan Corrigan
Problems in livestock grazing weeds
- Luzia Rast
Balancing enterprises on a whole farm basis for improved economic viability and weed management
- David Michalk, Warwick Badgery, Geoff Millar and Randall Jones
Poster Summaries
A 2005 snapshot of dryland farming management within the mid and lower Murrumbidgee catchment
- VL Davis
Saltbush – its value as a supplement for finishing prime lambs in summer/autumn in southern NSW
- G Duddy, B Hackney
Paddock Plants field days – helping landholders to recognise and manage common pasture species
- C Edwards, B Clements, C Rose and L McWhirter
Grass tetany – property risk diagnosis
- MG Elliott
Controlling saffron thistle using grazing management
- BS Grace, RDB Whalley, AW Sheppard and BM Sindel
Best management practices for dryland cropping systems: great brome and fumitory
- CM Griffiths
Pasture legumes and grasses for the Monaro region of southern NSW
- B Hackney, G Dyce and C Rodham
Tolerance of seedling plantain to broadleaf weed herbicides
- B Hackney, B Dear, G Dyce and C Rodham
Selection of alternative ‘lucernes’ and native legumes for Australian farming systems
- RC Hayes, BS Dear and GD Li
Managing wireweed in spring-sown pastures
- RC Hayes, BS Dear, GD Li, JM Virgona, MK Conyers and BF Hackney
Effect of lime on the persistence and production of two chicory cultivars on an acid soil
- RC Hayes, BS Dear and GD Li
What is Chilean needle grass?
- LJ Iaconis
Establishment of perennial wallaby grass (Austrodanthonia caespitosa) compared with annual rye corn as a citrus mid-row ground cover crop for semi arid areas
- PJ Jessop, JA Giddings
Angel medic tolerates sulfonylurea herbicide residues in south western NSW
- PJ Jessop, JH Howie
Profitability of liming and fertilising native pastures in the Yass district
- FJ Leech
Long-term lime effect on pasture and sheep performance. 1. Pasture botanical composition changes
- GD Li, MK Conyers, RJ Lowrie and GJ Poile
Long-term lime effect on pasture and animal performance 2. Sheep responses
- GD Li, MK Conyers, RJ Lowrie and GJ Poile
Flood induced recruitment of lippia (Phyla canescens)
- MJ Macdonald, RDB Whalley, BM Sindel, MH Julien and JA Duggin
Arming weeds advisors with knowledge
- AC McCaffery
Regional best practice management of Chilean Needle Grass (Nassella neesiana) – New South Wales preliminary trial results
- L McWhirter, J Lowien, C Grech, DA McLaren and BM Sindel
A holistic approach to the control of weedy Sporobolus species
- KC Moore
Pasture production, animal performance and weed population changes under three fertiliser treatments on granite derived soil on the Monaro
- J Powells, L Pope
Pasture production, animal performance and weed population changes under three fertiliser treatments on basalt derived soil on the Monaro
- J Powells, L Pope
Cane needle grass, Nassella hyalina, on North Wagga Flats
- DG Read, AS Craig
Distribution of phosphorus levels across the Healthy Soils for Healthy Landscapes and Benchmarking Soil Chemistry projects for cropping and pasture systems
- SE Roberts, K Andersson, N Murphy, C McMaster and S Tate
Long term control of blue heliotrope (Heliotropium amplexicaule) using Graslan® and tropical grasses
- KJ Schulze, J Unwin
Noxious weed legislation. 1. Changes to the Noxious Weeds Act 1993
- B Verbeek
Noxious weed legislation. 2. What do changes to the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 mean to you?
- B Verbeek