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Conference 1991
Conference 1991
Conference 1991
5-6 JUNE 1991
Orange NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Aerial agriculture and the environment – the conservation case
- Harvey Baker
Aerial agriculture in action – on farm results in the control of serrated tussock
- Roy Reynolds
Aerial agriculture is essential for improvement of grasslands in New South Wales
- Malcolm Campbell, David Vere
Aerial seeding – rewards and risks at Goondiwindi
- John Wettenhall
Aerial spraying – minimising the risk
- Peter Weatherstone
Annual grass invasion – control costs and production losses
- Richard Bloomfield
Biological control of weeds – update on friendly fungi, bugs and grubs
- Ernest Delfosse, Jim Cullen
Defining the boundaries & manipulating the system
- David Kemp
Domestication of native perennial grasses – problems and potential
- Alison Bowman
Do perennial pastures reduce soil acidity?
- Keith Helyar
Filling in the feed gaps – direct drilling oats into phalaris
- Bryan Ward
Forage conservation – A key to productivity in the 90’s
- Don Sapienza
Herbicide resistance – a potential problem for perennial pastures?
- Steve Sutherland, Andrew Leys
Managing to maintain desirable perennials
- Ron Rees
Perennials in the pipeline – new cultivars for acid soils
- Rex Oram
Sustainable pasture/crop systems – whole farm management
- Tony Lehmann
The contribution of perennials to stability and productivity of rangelands in the pastoral zone
- Tony Grice
Tolerance of perennial pastures to herbicides
- Warren McDonald
Contributed Papers
Chicory: A New Forage Herb for the New South Wales Central Tablelands and Slopes
- Mary Goodacre, David Kemp
Dowling Kemp Michalk Millar Goodacre 1991
- Peter Dowling, David Kemp, David Michalk, Geoff Millar and Mary Goodacre
Effects of Soil Acidity in the Yeoval Area
- S Orr, A Bulkeley, M Strachan and V Collins
Herbicides for Control of Sifton bush (Cassinia arcuata)
- Barney Milne, David Michalk
Orange Agricultural Research and Veterinary Centre
- Mike Curll, Chris Weale
Pasture Topping with Roundup CT®: Benefits for Cattle Production
- Stephen Ainsworth
Perennial Pastures – Hidden Benefits Unearthed
- Des Lang
Perennial Ryegrasses with Late Spring and Summer Production Potential
- Peter Neilson
Phalaris Absorbs more Soil Moisture at Depth than Perennial Ryegrass
- Geoff Millar
Possible Bio-Control of Sifton bush (Cassinia arcuata) by scale insects
- Malcolm Campbell, Peter Wykes
Relative Tolerance of Yellow Serradella Cultivars to Al and Mn
- Brendan Scott, Time Drew and David Michalk
Research on Mycoherbicides for Control of Xanthium spp.
- Bruce Auld, Cheryl McRae and Louise Morin
Top Dressing Pastures with Selenium
- Brett Riley