2022 Northern Region Spring Pasture Update | Tamworth

North West Local Land Services, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and Grassland Society of NSW hosted the Northern Region Pasture Update 2022. This is a great collaborative annual event hosted at Tamworth Agricultural Institute and is always well attended and supported by producers in our region. Guest speakers at this event held in November 2022 included Dr Suzanne Boschma, (NSW DPI), Dr. Sean Murphy, Senior Research Scientist (NSW DPI), Dr Graeme Schwenke, Soil Scientist (NSW DPI), Carol Harris, Research Scientist (NSW DPI), and Dr Aaron Simmons, Technical Specialist Life Cycle Assessment (NSW DPI).

Note: These videos were funded by Local Land Services NSW.

Pastures to reduce methane emissions and annual forage mixes | Dr Suzanne Boschma

Chilean Needle Grass control | Carol Harris

Carbon emissions and sequestration | Dr Aaron Simmons