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Conference 2021
Conference 2021
Conference 2021
"Pathway to Productive Pastures"
Virtual Conference
Sessional Papers
Farming Forecaster
- Phil Graham
Permanent electric fencing – A solution for many guardians of the land
- GW Mulligan, D Abbey and A Fitzgerald
Laggan Grazing Demonstration – observations and key lessons after six years
- M Lieschke
Getting started on the pasture pathway
- B St Clair
Understanding and managing soil acidity – the key to sustainable and productive grazing systems
- HM Burns, JR Condon and GD Li
Soil Fertility – You can’t manage what you don’t measure
- HM Warren and AP Britton
Rejuvenation of run-down perennial pastures
- FJ Leech and RB Garnsey
Managing the establishment of productive perennial pastures
- HK Best
An insight into graze and grain systems in a high rainfall zone environment
- Cate and Peter Brooks
Opportunities to build Soil Organic Carbon in a challenging environment; climate change and shifting paradigms
- SE Orgill and BW Murphy
Adding “Carbon Farming for Carbon Trading” to your productive pastures
- Louisa Kiely, Director, Carbon Farmers of Australia Pty Ltd
Carbon Neutral by 2030 roadmap for the Australian red meat industry
- Margaret Jewell
Contributed Papers
Pasture dieback on the North Coast of New South Wales. 1. Initial diagnostics to identify the causal agent
- SP Boschma, A Daly, PS Gillespie, O Wildman, M Shrivasatava, N Jennings, JM Geary and SJ Baker
Pasture dieback on the North Coast of New South Wales. 2. Symptom development and current recommendations
- SP Boschma, N Jennings, JM Geary and SJ Baker
Desmanthus is more persistent than lucerne through drought on the North-West Slopes of NSW
- SP Boschma, CA Harris, MA Brennan, C Murray, SJ Baker and S Harden
A ‘second go’ at pasture improvement on “Mt Somers”
- Neville – Julian Cook
Legume content and sub-optimal nodulation linked to soil acidity and nutrient availability in the Mudgee region of the Central Tablelands, NSW
- C Edwards and B Hackney
A preliminary evaluation of perennial legume persistence on the Southern Tablelands of NSW
- RC Hayes, MT Newell, WB Badgery, CA Harris, GD Li, Price, NR Munday, RS Stutz and RA Culvenor
Investigating producer interest in and experience with tropical perennial grasses in inland NSW
- K Sinclair, AL Curtis, SJ Baker and SP Boschma
Soil water dynamics and water use efficiency of tropical pastures in Central West NSW
- MJ Uddin, WJ Smith, SR Murphy, SP Boschma and Y Alemseged