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Conference 2015
Conference 2015
Conference 2015
14–16 JULY 2015
Goulburn NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Opportunities to maximise livestock profitability
- JK Webb Ware
Managing the production potential of the soils of the Southern and Central Tablelands – key messages from the LANDSCAN program
- LC Pope
New insights into phosphorus cycling in pastures: implications for fertiliser management and for closing the phosphorus efficiency gap
- RJ Simpson, GA Sandral, MH Ryan, RI McLaren, RJ Smernik, MJ McLaughlin, TM McBeath, H Lambers, CN Guppy and AE Richardson
Which breeding direction for sheep on the Southern Tablelands?
- P Graham and AK White
Does increasing body frame size in Merinos increase profit? A case study
- G Burbidge and J Virgona
Managing fertiliser in a grazing system – putting principles into practice
- JM Virgona and NJ Ferguson
A farmer’s perspective on strategic fertiliser management
- O Cay
Persistent perennials? An advisor’s perspective
- DR Harbison
Grazing management options to boost productivity and secure healthy landscapes
- W Badgery, G Millar, K Broadfoot, J Martin, D Pottie, A Simmons and P Cranney
Capitalising on the opportunities for agriculture in the Tablelands of southern NSW – a farmer’s perspective
- G Kadwell
Contributed Papers
Phalaris cultivar persistence under soil fertility and grazing treatments at Canberra
- RA Culvenor and RJ Simpson
Evaluation of a grazier education program in a drinking water catchment
- AA Senn and M Lieschke
Influence of winter grazed, dual purpose wheat and canola crops in a pasture system on the performance of Merino sheep
- CS Pinares-Patino, SE McDonald, JA Kirkegaard, H Dove, JR Hunt, RJ Simpson and AD Moore
Poultry litter is not all the Same
- NW Griffiths
Poster Summaries
Prilled lime added to the seed – effects on pasture establishment vary with season
- MR Norton
New pasture plant options to reduce P-input costs of grazing systems
- G Sandra, R Simpson, A Price, S Hildebrand, C Fuller, Z Yang, A Stefanski, D Kidd, H Lambers and M Ryan.
Lambs grazing a choice of biserrula and subterranean clover have higher growth rates in spring than lambs grazing a biserrula monoculture
- SR McGrath, GA Sandral, L Sundermann and MA Friend