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Conference 2011
Conference 2011
Conference 2011
26-28 JULY 2011
Bathurst NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Threats, realities and opportunities of grassland farming in the central Tablelands
- K Behrendt, J Eppleston
Farming the grass curve in the context of changing opportunities in the Australian lamb market – a central Tablelands perspective
- GM Salmon, GJ Salmon
Developing livestock preventive medicine programs with grassland farmers
- BR Watt
Performance for profit
- M Ryan
Pseudo-science: a threat to agriculture?
- DC Edmeades
Soil chemistry – facts and fiction and their influence on the fertiliser decision making process
- N Menzies, D Harbison and P Dart
The Pegala Pastoral Company – Vertically integrating cropping and beef production systems
- M Mason
Factors affecting pasture production in variable landscapes – how does it influence fertiliser use and other mangement issues?
- B Hackney, P Orchard, D Kemp and B Orchard
Landscape and grazing management affects on pasture production and persistence on “Dunns Plains”
- B Townson
Collaborate to survive and thrive
- J Gladigau
Cereal based forage crops for hay and silage production
- J Piltz, C Rodham, J Walker, P Matthews, B Hackney and JF Wilkins
Optimising the intake of feed by pasture-fed sheep and cattle
- CT Westwood
Varying sheep production from different pasture types
- J Brien
Contributed Papers
Bioscapes – an introduction to biodiversity in grazing landscapes
- C Edwards
Surveys of grazing industry end-users in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge
On-farm monitoring of sheep and pasture production in the EverGraze northern New South Wales project
- GM Lodge, MA Brennan, PT Sanson, BR Roworth and IJ Stace
Developing pasture and livestock benchmarks for sheep production in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge
Comparison of methods for estimating herbage mass in small plots
- GM Lodge, S Harden
Using height and density to estimate the herbage mass of different pastures in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge, MA Brennan, PT Sanson, BR Roworth and IJ Stace
“Trevenna” sheep production demonstration site of methane emissions on the northern Tablelands of NSW
- C Edwards, MJ McPhee, J Meckiff, N Ballie, D Schneider and R Hegarty
Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to determine nutritive value of tropical perennial grasses
- SP Boschma, SA Sissons and MJ Sissons
Herbicides evaluated for tropical perennial grasses
- LH McCormick, SP Boschma, AS Cook and BM McCorkell
The value of ‘alternative’ nitrogen fertiliser products on pasture. 1. Pasture production at three sites
- CE Muir, N Griffiths and P Beale
The value of ‘alternative’ nitrogen fertiliser products on pasture. 2. Pasture quality and carryover effects at Tocal
- CE Muir, N Griffiths and P Beale
The use of pig manure – a study at Wollun, NSW
- C Edwards, M Duncan
Poster Summaries
Investigating the impact of cover cropping on a native pasture system in southern Queensland
- L Bailey, S Murphy and C Guppy
Managing tropical perennial grasses for livestock production – a case study
- BR McGufficke
Benefits and uses of plantain (Plantago lanceolata) cv. Ceres Tonic in livestock production systems in New South Wales
- HG Judson, AJE Moorhead
Australian breeding of persistent perennial ryegrass without endophyte
- A Leddin
Effect of ensiling on weed seed viability
- J Piltz, R Stanton, C Rodham and H Wu
Travel Grant Report
Report of travel to New Zealand to attend the 15th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference and visit two NZ AgResearch Institutes
- MR Norton