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Conference 2008
Conference 2008
Conference 2008
21-23 JULY 2008
Tamworth NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Pushing the profit drivers for pasture
- M Gout
Factors affecting beef enterprise profitability – experiences from a grazing group in North-West New South Wales
- TM Farrell
Improved perennial pasture establishment at ‘Ruby Hills’
- AD Burgess
Options for managing soil phosphorus supply
- A McNeill
Biochar: Potential for climate change mitigation, improved yield and soil health
- L van Zwieten,S Kimber, K Sinclair, KY Chan and A Downie
Changing ‘Glenbrae’
- GS Ward
Profitable pastoral farming through genetic modification: fact or friction?
- DR Woodfield
Pastures for animal production: Understanding the challenges
- CT Westwood
Towards a tropical grass package for northern New South Wales
- SP Boschma, LH McCormick
Experiences with the establishment and grazing of tropical grasses on the North-West Slopes of New South Wales
- LE Bowman
Pastures in the high rainfall zone – Their anticipated responses to climate change and their role in minimising net farm greenhouse gas emissions
- D Alcock, RS Hegarty
Defining the northern New South Wales feed-year and mitigating feed-gaps
- AJ Lockyer
‘The business of growing a meal’ – the application of new pasture varieties and management practices for intensive beef production
- GRT Lord
‘Art and science’ – producing high quality forage-based feed for intensive dairy production
- JL Drury
Contributed Papers
Assessing management options for the autumn feed deficit
- K Mokany, AD Moore
Modelling feed profiles and production options
- GD Millar, RE Jones and DL Michalk
Pasture-cropping in a Bothriochloa macra (red grass) dominant pasture with a low input history
- GD Millar, WB Badgery
Evaluating change through feed budgets – the Beef-n-omics experience
- AJ Rayner
Field germination of tropical grasses with new seed coating technology
- L Song, G Veness and I Kalms
Rate and depth of sowing of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium)
- GJ Crocker
Effect of sowing depth on emergence of burgundy bean (Macroptilium bracteatum)
- GJ Crocker
A comparison of the performance of progeny derived from two and three-year old heifers and mature cows
- MA McKiernan
Improved pasture establishment benefits production with pasture grasses
- K Blowers
Soil phosphorus and sulphur in pastures of North-West Slopes and Upper Hunter districts of New South Wales
- S Muir, GD Schwenke, LH McCormick, SA Squires and CG Bowman
A review of the land application of biosolids as a tool to help restore and sustain New South Wales grasslands
- LC Martin
Combining yield with persistence – Pegasis, a new generation winter-active and persistent lucerne variety
- S Venkatanagappa, T O’Brien
Phoenix, Venture and Matador – new birdsfoot trefoil cultivars for permanent pasture applications in easternAustralia
- JF Ayres, WM Kelman and LA Lane
Design and analysis on the for spatial effects in pasture trials
- RD Murison, JF Ayres, LA Lane and MZZ Jahufer
New Panicum cultivars on the horizon for northern New South Wales
- CA Harris
Trophy – a locally adapted white clover cultivar for dry-land pastures
- JF Ayres, JR Caradus, RD Murison, LA Lane and DR Woodfield
Where westerwolds work well
- AM Leddin
Performance of different lucerne dormancy classes under dry-land condition
- LM Serafin, JF Scott and B Welsh
Lucerne persistence in Central New South Wales
- KA Hertel
Evaluation of new breeding populations of phalaris for the North-West Slopes of New South Wales
- SP Boschma, RA Culvenor
Preliminary evaluation of plantain (Plantago lanceolata) cultivar Tonic as a feed for ewe lactation
- HG Judson
EverGraze research in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge, SP Boschma and MA Brennan
EverGraze: grazing systems for native pastures in Central-West New South Wales
- WB Badgery, GD Millar and PM Cranney
Studies of plant biodiversity on properties grazing sheep on the North-West Slopes of New South Wales
- NL Schultz, N Reid and GM Lodge
Rainfall and soil water content at a native pasture site near Barraba, New South Wales; 2003-2008
- GM Lodge, MA Brennan
Using modelling to explore the relationships between predicted long-term stocking rate and sheep intake of pasture and supplement for a native perennial grass-based pasture near Barraba, New South Wales
- GM Lodge, IR Johnson
Potential impact of climate variability on profitability of native pasture improvement in northern NSW
- JF Scott, GM Lodge
‘Drying Order’: A management tool for climate change
- GH Reid
Fertilisation of tropical grass pastures with sulphate of ammonia
- WK Manning, MA Kesby
Improving the match between feed supply and feed intake of beef cattle on the North-West Plains
- JL McConochie