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Conference 2005
Conference 2005
Conference 2005
19-21 JULY 2003
Orange NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Landscape indicators – “What your country is telling you”
- BW Clements
Life under the soil surface in pasture systems
- VVSR Gupta, MH Ryder and DK Roget
Operating a grazing property in a high rainfall tableland environment
- Bruce Gordon
Soil assessment for pasture production that considers both physical and chemical factors in the topsoil and subsoil
- DC McKenzie
Using soil assessment for pasture production that considers both physical and chemical factors in the topsoil and subsoil
- Ben Watts
Endophyte – what is it and its significance in New Zealand pastoral agriculture
- DE Hume, GP Cosgrove
Endophyte infected perennial ryegrass and tall fescue for New South Wales?
- Warwick Wheatley
Natural Sequence Farming (NSF)
- P Andrews, D Goldney, D Mitchell and P Newell
Strategic nitrogen use: viewing nitrogen as a feed supplement, not a fertiliser
- Andrew Harborne
Lamb feeding – a simple and efficient system
- RE White
The Sustainable Grazing on Saline Lands (SGSL) Program in New South Wales
- John Powell, Luke Beange
Productive and profitable dual purpose winter wheats for tableland and slopes
- RD Freebairn
Timing of forage cut affects feed yield, quality and seed set in subterranean clover
- BS Dear, BF Hackney, GM Dyce and CA Rodham
Grazing management and pasture innovations: what’s best for your farming system?
- K Behrendt
The shift from wool to meat – implications for conservation of tableland native grasslands
- John Powell, Jan Powell
Contributed Papers
An optimum New England wool production system
- R Marchant, S Hatcher
Monitoring ewe fat score aids management
- S Hatcher, C Edwards, P Graham, P Johnston, M Lollback and R Marchant
Potassium uptake in plants and its relationship to grass tetany
- MG Elliott
New annual legume cultivars – where do they fit?
- BS Dear, BF Hackney, GM Dyce and CA Rodham
Annual pasture legumes for one year forage crops
- BF Hackney, BS Dear, GM Dyce and CA Rodham
Evaluation of tall fescue varieties on the Northern Tablelands of NSW
- CA Harris, J Lowien
Perennial grasses for medium to low rainfall areas
- BF Hackney, BS Dear and RC Hayes
Pasture establishment on limed and unlimed soils
- GD Li, MK Conyers, RJ Lowrie, RP Fisher and GJ Poile
Developing new forage plant for acid soils
- GD Li, BS Dear and RC Hayes
Tropical grasses – do they have a role in both recharge and discharge environments in northern New South Wales?
- SP Boschma, GM Lodge and MA Brennan
Shrub species for use in recharge areas in northern New South Wales
- SP Boschma, GM Lodge and MA Brennan
Measuring soil water content to indicate the ability of different pasture species to dry the soil profile
- MA Brennan, GM Lodge and SP Boschma
Mapping salinity variability of a discharge site on Calala Creek, North-West Slopes of New South Wales
- SP Boschma, GM Lodge and MA Brennan
Using long term model simulations of soil water content of grazed pastures to predict the onset of drought on the North-West Slopes of New South Wales
- GM Lodge, IR Johnson
Using long term seasonal rainfall records to predict the likelihood of above or below average total annual rainfall in a summer rainfall environment
- GM Lodge
Grain & Graze: filling the feed gap with grazing wheats
- KM Condon, KG McMullen
The development of a fodder radish suitable for multiple grazing, Ceres Graza
- AV Stewart, D Baker
TopFodder Silage
- N Griffiths, I Blackwood, J Piltz, A Kaiser and H Burns