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Conference 2002
Conference 2002
Conference 2002
31 JULY-1 AUGUST 2002
Forbes NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
The value of pastures to mixed farming enterprises
- Mark Gardner
Lambs or wool for Central West New South Wales
- John Nadin
Managing pastures to manage weeds
- Barney Milne
Opportunities in pasture seed production
- Pat Farrelly
High Density Legumes – where do they fit?
- Peter Gordon, Kirrilly Condon
Making native pastures pay
- John Betts
Pastures to increase nitrogen in crop rotations
- Jim Watson
Pastures for low rainfall cropping systems
- John Francis
Pastures for prime lambs
- Chris Blunt
Pastures for beef production
- Geoff Lindon
New opportunities by value-adding wool
- Kate Sevier
Contributed Papers
Persistence of phalaris-legume mixtures on the North West Slopes, NSW
- SP Boschma
Seasonal variation in long term estimates of soil water balance predicted by the SGS Pasture Model for a native pasture in northern New South Wales
- GM Lodge, SR Murphy and IR Johnson
Can graziers assess sustainable and productive pastures?
- GM Lodge, LH McCormick and SR Murphy
Root depths of sown and native pastures on the North-West Slopes of New South Wales
- GM Lodge, SR Murphy
Poster Summaries
Botanical changes in a grazed native grassland with ‘sub and super’
- TP Bolger, DL Garden and BM Reid
Extension activities improve producer awareness of soil health
- C Edwards, M Duncan
Patience key to summer grass pasture success
- RD Freebairn
The role of pasture improvement in profitable farm businesses in central west New South Wales
- K Hertel, M Gardner
Lime – an important factor in farm business profit in central west New South Wales
- K Hertel, M Gardner
Effect of surface applied lime on establishment and persistence of perennial pastures
- M Keys, B Schumann
Managing grassy native vegetation for conservation on the Northern Tablelands of NSW
- J Reseigh, C Nadolny
Water couch – productive quality grass for acid sulphate soil remediation!
- C Rose, R Yerbury and S Henderson