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Conference 2001
Conference 2001
Conference 2001
25 JULY 2001
Gundagai NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
Addressing Low Productivity of Grazing Farms
- D Sackett
Successful adoption of change in a wool enterprise
- R Strong
Tools to help balance the pasture feed supply
- G Meaker
Putting the tools into practice – Beef
- R Purcell
Putting the tools into practice – Wool
- C Sheahan
Putting the tools into practice – Lamb
- AJ Lehmann
Benchmarking the High Performance Pasture system with producers
- M Monk
The importance of feed quality to animal performance
- H Oddy, C Allan
Resource Management – Managing what we have
- G Houston
Making Better Grazing Decisions
- J O’Sullivan
Poster Summaries
Chicory: The ‘Lucerne’ of Acid Soils
- Brett Upjohn, Lori McGarva
Control of serrated tussock by applying flupropanate at 3- or 10-year intervals
- MH Campbell, DT Vere and HI Nicol
Effect of lime and/or superphosphate on the profitability of a grazing enterprise
- SJ Martin, KM Condon
Effect of lime on pH of a granite soil on the Northern Tablelands of NSW
- C Harris, M Duncan
Estimating production risk for a grazing lease using GrassGro™
- L Salmon, R Simpson, G Burbidge, J Donnelly and A Stefanski
Fertilising Native Pastures
- M Keys
Gland clover – a new insect resistant legume
- BS Dear, GA Sandral, B Nutt, B Wilson, C Rodham and J Taylor
Grazing management and soil fertility effects on pasture quality
- H Frame, L Warn and G McLarty
Helping graziers manage soil & landscape variability
- M Keys, W Schumann
Lime influences pasture quality on the Northern Tablelands of NSW
- C Harris, M Duncan
Long term lime effect on stocking rate on acid soils in South West Slopes NSW
- GD Li, KR Helyar, RP Fisher, LJC Castleman, MC Wilson and MD Conyers
Low density sowing can increase lucerne dry matter production
- EA Roesner
Perennial grass evaluation for southern mixed farming systems
- MR Norton, EA Koetz and G Stewart
Soil acidity and phosphorus levels of permanent pasture paddocks on the southern and central tablelands of NSW
- WG Schumann
Soil fertility and acidification in irrigated pastures in the Upper Hunter
- N Nelson, J Christie
Towards improving the efficiency of fertiliser use in variable landscapes
- B Hackney, J Virgona
Urana – a new highly winter active subterranean clover
- GA Sandral, BS Dear, P Nichols, B Wilson, C Rodham and J Taylor
USA lucerne study tour
- M Lattimore
Weed survey of the perennial pasture one of New South Wales
- J Dellow, G Wilson, W King and B Auld
Your pasture paddocks. How variable are they?
- B Hackney, J Virgona