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Conference 1997
Conference 1997
Conference 1997
28-30 JULY 1997
Dubbo NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
The benefits of a pasture ley in cereal cropping
- Errol Weston, Ram Dalal, Wayne Strong and John Lehane
Perennial pastures in the whole farm system
- Scott Chambers
Nitrogen fixation by pastures in dryland farming systems
- Mark Peoples, Robert Gault, John Angus, Alison Bowman, John Brockwell, David Kemp, Matthew McCallum, John Paul, Paul Quigley, Penny Riffkin, Glen Scammell and Ted Wolfe
Using lucerne in a cereal cropping system
- Peter O’Brien
Pastures for acid soils in the north and central west
- RD Freebairn, CL Mullen and BA Mathews
Temperate pastures on acid soils – Does liming pay?
- Robert Sutherland
Plants to modify the water table – The potential of native grasses to reduce recharge
- Meredith Mitchell, Craig Clifton, Bill Johnston and Ian Cole
Plants to modify the water table – The role of shrubs and woody forbs
- Peter Milthorpe, IH Hume, DC Mitchell, and MC Yee
Using saltbush and other plants on saline soils
- John Grieg
The cost of establishing a good pasture – Part A
- Bruce Watt
The cost of establishing a good pasture – Part B
- Haydon Wass
The economic returns from pasture development
- Greg O’Brien
What to do and where to go for financial assistance for pasture development
- Clive Sefton
Grazing to manage natural grasslands
- Richard Silcock, Peter Martin
Lending for pasture establishment and improvement
- Jon Blissett
Managing perennial grasses for livestock production
- Peter Weston
Grazing systems in practice
- Bill Waugh
Harvesting and sowing native grasses
- Ian Cole, Cathy Waters
Contributed Papers
Niche potential and forage value of Elymus scaber var. scaber on the Northern Tablelands
- Michelle Murphy
Bothriochloa macra, B. biloba, why is one common and the other rare? – Some embryological evidence
- P Yu, N Prakash and RDB Whalley
Germination response of Glycine tabacina to temperature and light
- BE Heard, RDB Whalley
Natural grasslands on slopes of the Garrawillie Creek subcatchment, Liverpool plains, New South Wales
- JM Bean, RDB Whalley
Persistence of native and introduced perennial grasses on an acid soil
- Peter Simpson
Glycine latifolia – A native legume with potential
- GT McIntosh, AM Bowman and RS Jessop
Evaluation of white clover cultivars for dryland pastures in northern NSW
- LA Lane, JF Ayres, JR Caradus and RD Murison
Drought recovery of temperate perennial pastures on the northern tablelands
- JF Ayres, AD Turner and PG Kamphorst
Persistence of sown pastures legumes under grazing in north eastern New South Wales
- AM Bowman, GPH Wilson
Pasture composition survey of southern NSW
- Annabel Bowcher, Jim Virgona
Establishment of surface-sown perennial grasses on the north western plains of New South Wales
- MH Campbell, AM Bowman
Evaluation of landholders’ attitudes towards perennial pasture systems in southern NSW and the role of Consol lovegrass
- D Brown, G Jackson, A Andrews and W Johnston
Breeding phalaris for better survival under adverse conditions
- RA Culvenor, WM Kelman and RN Oram
Survival of phalaris cultivars through the 1994 drought at Canberra
- RA Culvenor
Productive pastures and the CRC for Weed Management Systems
- Ursula Taylor
Spot treatment of blue heliotrope with Graslan®
- John Unwin
Reactive phosphate rock: an effective fertiliser for NSW pastures?
- PWG Sale, D Garden
The performance of set-stocked pastures on the northern tablelands of NSW through severe drought
- CA Harris, JF Ayres
Practical grazing management for lucerne in NSW western wheat belt
- RB Thompson, GJ Kemister
How can graziers manage perennial grasses to survive through drought
- JM Scott, SP Boschma and GG Rapp
Using seasonal rainfall probabilities to predict drought risk
- Anthony Casanova
The benefits of increasing defoliation interval
- Judi Earl
Management aids for rangeland pastoralists
- Ruth Maxey, Lori McGarva
The role of farmer knowledge in developing sustainable pasture and grazing systems
- Joanne Millar, Allan Curtis
A comparison between ‘sudden death’ poisoning in sheep grazing phalaris pastures, at Dubbo, Naracoorte and Esperance
- CA Bourke
The association of soil cobalt with the incidence of phalaris ‘staggers’ on phalaris pastures in central NSW
- CA Bourke
The biosolids revolution
- Cathy Bruce, Roger Patricks