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Conference 1995
Conference 1995
Conference 1995
12-13 JULY 1995
Armidale NSW
Table of contents
Invited Papers
The New South Wales pasture base
- Ken Archer
“How to become kings in grass castles”
- Graham Peart
Lift your grazing profits by copying the best
- Michael Boyce
Fertiliser requirements of grazed pastures
- MR Duncan
Managing pastures for a mixed sheep/cattle enterprise
- Colin Frost, Margaret Frost
Managing pastures for lamb production
- Robert Gordon
The role of grazing management in sustaining the pasture community
- Greg Lodge
Selecting the right pastures to meet the market
- Warren McDonald, Alan Bell
Managing the feed-year for beef production
- Allan Every
Integrated enterprises on a temperate pasture system
- Maroun Stephen
Pasture management for milk production
- Peter Notman
Integrated enterprises on a summer pasture system
- Jock Coupland
Integrated livestock and cropping enterprises
- JH Price
Contributed Papers
Impact of drought on survival of pasture species
- RD FitzGerald, CA Harris and JF Ayres
Tall fescue improvement in Australia
- RD FitzGerald, S Venkatanagappa and LA Lane
Microlaena persistence, protein and productivity in comparison with Danthonia and four introduced grass species
- Christines Jones, Michelle Murphy
Vacuum harvesting of the native grass Microlaena stipoides
- Michelle Murphy
Consol lovegrass and Premier digit grass best on acidic soils
- RD Freebairn
White clover germplasm development
- Leah Lane, Zulfi Jahufer and John Ayres
White clover breeding for dryland pastures
- John Ayres, John Caradus, Leah Lane and Bob Murison
Domestication of Mitchell grass (Astrebla)
- CM Waters, D Munnich
Tall fescue agronomy research
- RD FitzGerald, S Venkatanagappa and LA Lane
Impact of time control grazing on native pastures
- B Randall, C Randall, L McCormick and G Lodge
Improving lotus persistence through breeding & management
- Martin Blumenthal, Walter Kelman, Zvi Hochman and John Ayres
Species contribution to pasture biomass under different grazing systems
- Judi Earl, Christine Jones
Effect of grazing management on barley grass pastures
- GE Robards, M Dalglish and T Luders
Effect of grazing management on growth rates of lambs grazing barley grass pastures in south-west NSW
- GE Robards, TA Luders and N Corliss
Yield of perennial grasses under different drought and grazing intensities during spring and summer
- SP Boschma, JM Scott and GG Rapp
Seed dispersal by sheep of Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana)
- MR Gardener, RDB Whalley
Native pasture management in the Hunter Valley
- Richard Marshall, Neil Nelson
Backgrounding feeder cattle
- Ross Dicker, John Ayres, Bob Murison, Clair Alston, Dorothy Robinson, Arnold Turner, Peter Kamphorst, Bob Dent, Jeff Lowien and Phil Dawes
A comparison of nutritive value of chenopods from NSW & WA
- GE Robards, R Egerton-Warburton
Quality and selection of plant components of subterranean clover
- JG Mulholland, KS Nandra, GB Scott and A Jones
Management of African lovegrass
- Rod Dowe, Vic Johnston, Jeff Lowien and Bob Dent
Supplementation of lambs on lucerne pasture with oaten hay
- Peter Holst, David Hall and David Stanley
Diet composition of sheep & cattle grazing Microlaena-ryegrass pastures
- RDB Whalley, MR Gardener
What does dairy pasture cost?
- Neil Griffiths
Summer forage quality and lamb growth in the northern rainfall zone
- D Paull, J Smith and A Allsop
Utilisation of African lovegrass
- Vic Johnston, Rod Dowe, Bob Dent and Jeff Lowien
Fertiliser protects your soil by increasing ground cover
- Graham Crocker
Clover ley pasture maintains soil nitrogen and crop yield
- Mark Norton
Comparison of water use by grazed grasslands and remnant Callitris woodlands during drought
- Philip Eberbach
Patterns of earthworm abundance in improved pastures at Chiswick
- LA Lobry de Bruyn, KL King
Use of ammonium nitrate Nitram® and urea as herbicides for the control of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)
- MH Campbell
Use of glyphosate and paraquat (Gramoxone®) to stop seedhead production of serrated tussock (Nasella trichotoma)
- MH Campbell
Using the alkane technique to quantify sheep selectivity when grazing perennial and annual pastures
- Chen Wen, Rod Lefroy, Anne White and Jim Scott
No-till pasture establishment by Soilflow seeding
- Lester Thearle
Low-cost manual equipment for sampling the soil profile
- DR Wilkinson, G Burke
Perennial grass species vary in resistance to invasion of hairy panic
- Jim Virgona, Annabel Hill
Emergence of African lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) and several native grasses on the northern tablelands of NSW
- Steven Smith, Brian Sindel
Stocking rate affects soil moisture under pasture
- KL Greenwood, KJ Hutchinson, DA MacLeod and JM Scott
The effect of stock exclusion and herbicide application on seed rain in a degrading phalaris stand
- Annabel Hill, Jim Virgona
Rhizome development of defoliated Grassland Maku
- CA Harris, MJ Blumenthal